THE SPECIAL EDITION PART 2: Filling and Freezing your ODR

As the temperature drops and icy roads arrive, the perfect time is upon us. You have the difficult part done but the most important part is yet to come. Supplies list (don´t worry, it’s a lot shorter than the other one):  A tarp big enough to fill the whole rink Obviously water Staple gun (optional)… Read more THE SPECIAL EDITION PART 2: Filling and Freezing your ODR

THE SPECIAL EDITION PART 1: Building your ODR (outdoor rink)

Every year when the cold weather comes it means two things for hockey players, time for hockey and time the ODR (outdoor rink) to go up. This is a long process but if done correctly it can be very rewarding. In the blog today I will go through all the steps I take and the… Read more THE SPECIAL EDITION PART 1: Building your ODR (outdoor rink)